What to look for in a walking track

Image by Martin dalsgaard from Pixabay


There are plenty of great walking tracks all around Australia. You can see my travel blog here that includes great places to go walking: https://melanietoyetravels.blogspot.com/?m=1.

I am assuming like Australia there are great walking places around the world as well. 

Here are 7 things to look for in a walking track:

Lighting is important for walking tracks

I find it’s good to walk in a well-lit space in the early evening. I just find it feels safer and more considerate to have a walking space where it is well lit. I don’t tend to walk at night but if I do, it almost adds a romantic feel to it. Especially on a beach waterfront. 

Toilets are a must have at walking tracks 

The second really most important aspect to any walk is having toilets. Honestly, walking gets things moving and sometimes we need to duck to the toilet quickly and urgently. It can’t wait an hour walk back to the car and then drive home. 

Different textures on a walking track

When going on a walking tracks Lighting, it’s important to have different textures. For example, walking in a bushy/forest area, means standing and breaking twigs under your feet. Or walking along the sand, take off your shoes and feel the rich soft sand under your toes. Perhaps even, dip your toes in the oceans water for a treat. 

Are people walking on the walking tracks? 

I find it more comfortable when I can explore an area and go on a walking adventure when I can see a decent amount of people also using the same walking track. It’s not just for safety if more people are around but also if you get bitten by a snake or something happens and you need help, you aren’t in an isolated area and someone can help you easily. 

The walking track defines what you do

Depending where you are and how often you visit this walking track, will depend on how you use it. For example, if you go to a new walking track. Maybe don’t wear your headphones for the first time, so you can let all of your senses enjoy the experience. Or if you go there a lot, put on your favourite pod casts and go for a learning experience while walking.

A walking track with seating

Not all walking tracks need to have picnic tables under shelter. Although that can be handy and useful. As long as there is some seating. So whatever reason you can move off the path and onto a seat. This helps if you need to take a breather or someone is ringing you can you can’t find you phone. 

Does a walking track have to be outside? 

Surprisingly no. You can set your own walking tracks going through an air conditioned shopping centre. Sure you may likely spend more money there but it’s air conditioned and has toilets, lighting and you can go up and down and around as many times as you want. This is great for when it’s summer and you want to get out of the heat. 

Basically, with the above elements the main thing is you find a great place to walk so you can feel safe and relaxed.


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