Testing, testing day two
When you first set out to exercise day one is fully pumped, yet it’s what comes next which is most important.
Day two. I thought I would go for a walk for an hour and I assumed in that time I would walk 10,000 steps. Because yesterday I went for a longer walk and reached 10,000 steps…. Oooh, I just worked it out. This makes sense now.
After my walk today, I got home, all proud of myself. I checked my step counter and I had done 6,000 steps. I was disappointed and I didn’t want to go back out for a second walk.
But as I said above, I just realised why an hour didn’t give me the result I was seeking. Because yesterday I went for an hour and twenty minute walk which gave me the 10,000 steps not an hour. Oh silly me. Oh well.
Anyway, what I wanted to say was, did I achieve my goal when I said I wanted to walk 10,000 steps a day and I only walked 6,000 steps?
The answer is yes.
Here is why. Because today of all days, I tend to not walk at all. Just a little bit around the house, which wouldn’t be much higher than 500 or less steps.
If I didn’t purposely go for a walk today, I wouldn’t have achieved over 5,000 steps. So it was worth it. Plus, I am still in the teething phase. I have to work out how long I need to walk in either one go or break it up into two walks a day to reach the 10,000 daily step goal.
How many steps did you do today and do you feel you accomplished what you set out to do? Please comment below.
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