Would you walk on your weekend?


Image via: https://becomenomad.com/using-your-weekends-to-explore/

Good morning walkers,

So this morning I decided it’s the weekend and I am going to be up early. I was have a full day planned so I thought I could either not go for a walk today or do it first thing in the morning before my day began. 

And that’s what I did. Today I woke up at six in the morning and was out walking by 6:45. I did check the amount of steps around 7am, which was about 2,000. I really wanted to finish hahaha but I kept going. 

I kept going and even walked further forward so I knew it would take longer to get back. Then when I decided it was time to turn around, I didn’t just walk straight back (as much as I wanted to), I went down a hill and around the block and even when there were two sections I could have diverted home quicker, I decided to keep going the long way home. 

I knew I wouldn’t make 10,000 steps. I really didn’t think I would make 5,000 steps. Especially when the desire to go back home was great lol. However, I was surprised to note I was an hour and did 7,000 steps. 

This is a great achievement when I wasn’t even going to walk today due to a full day planned. I also wanted to go the quick way home multiple times but stuck to a longer way. So if you do have time today, I recommend you go for a walk, even if it’s just 15 minutes. 


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