When a cyclone stops your motivation to walk
Image sourced via: www.pixabay.com
Yes, you read the title right. A cyclone is on its way to Australia. I had a week off and planned to do some fun stuff as well as more importantly getting into a walking routine. I have been slacking off and doing 10,000 steps here and there but not consistently.
And then Cyclone Alfred decided to present itself. My work week is nearly over and the most I have done is stay at home, eat and crochet. Walking has gone at the window. I do have a treadmill and it’s sitting there pretty wondering when I will get on and use it.
Sure the first two days I was in preparation mode for the cyclone and was bringing in everything from outside and tying things down. I was also drawn to social media and checked it every hour to see the latest news. And then the cyclone got delayed…
So I have been just enjoying my time crocheting and eating. I have been eating healthier with a lot more vegetables this week. But without the walking, I won’t be losing any weight.
But who can I blame? Sure I can partly blame the cyclone. It’s my first one, so I can be a bit nervous. But should it consume me so much that I just can’t be bothered to be active?
I’m disappointed in myself and I don’t even want to try to get into a routine next week. But I do know, every week I am putting on more weight. I have to do something and walking has worked for me in the past.
I also spoke to people who know someone who has had a stroke (this happened to three different people) and it’s a wake up call, to not only lose weight but to eat healthy. But apart of me doesn’t want to actually do it? And I don’t know why?
I want to lose weight and I have all these new clothes I bought to tempt me to lose weight. I also want to dance more and just feel like I have stamina to move around and not be breathless. I also love walking and eating veggies.
So what is going on?
Is it self sabotage?
Too hard?
I don’t know. But writing it down makes me want to lose weight. I don’t want to be this size forever. I also don’t want to keep putting on the weight that took me a year to lose. I worked hard for that weight loss.
But I also have had many hard situations which has stressed me out and the first thing to go is my routine of walking. So how do I get through the stressful volcanos that keep getting swung under neath me, erupting!
I have to walk. I have to do this for me.
#walkingchallenges #losingweightchallenges
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